HB 583: Health Care Practitioner Titles and Abbreviations; a legislative ghost from the past.

The title of “Doctor” has a long history that began in the medieval period. “Doctor” was initially bestowed on individuals who were recognized as educators. As formal education institutes conferred advanced education degrees, the title of “Doctor” was awarded to individuals to represent that advanced degree. Although physicians have commonly been recognized as “Doctors,” society has also admitted that physicians are not the only “Doctors.” Consider Dr. Phil (a Doctoral prepared psychologist), Dr. Henry Kissinger (Ph. D in Foreign Policy), and Doctor Ruth Westheimer (Ph. D in sociology).

Dr. / State Representative Ralph Masullo has filed “HB. 583 (2023), Titles and Abbreviations” in the Florida House. The text of this bill would significantly restrict the use of the title “Doctor” to a select group of healthcare providers (physicians, chiropractors, Dentists, and Podiatrists) and prevent individuals who have graduated with a Doctoral degree from using the academic title they have earned. 

The language of the bill is unambiguous:
“Any nonphysician health care practitioner who has obtained a doctoral degree under the profession governed by the applicable practice act may use the letter “D.” in front of the abbreviations authorized by the health care practitioner’s respective practice act. ..nonphysician health care practitioner may not use the title “doctor” in any form of advertisement, telehealth interaction, text message, or verbal communication without clearly identifying himself or herself as a “doctor” of a specific profession, citing the applicable chapter under which the health care practitioner is licensed.”

The legislation intends to protect consumers from healthcare providers misrepresenting themselves as physicians. However, such protections already exist. Florida has a long legislative history of providing title protection to healthcare. Physicians, Nurses, Therapists, and other licensed providers are all afforded specific protections to prevent individuals from misrepresenting themselves. Such legislation has proven effective at protecting citizens of our state and ensuring quality health care. In addition to title protection, the State of Florida has specific statutes that allow the criminal prosecution of individuals practicing medicine without a medical license ( S. 458.327 REGULATION OF PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS).

Several years ago, Dr. Masullo filed similar legislation that would have outlawed doctorly prepared nurses and other healthcare providers from using the title of “Doctor.” It was explained that the bill was necessary to “protect the public” from nurses who were misrepresenting themselves. However, there was no evidence to support the need for the legislation, and it was ultimately withdrawn.

Now in the 2023 Legislative session comes HB 583: Health Care Practitioner Titles and Abbreviations, filed by Representative Dr. Massullo, who filed previous title legislation. The bill allows the Florida Department of Health to penalize healthcare practitioners not licensed as physicians who utilize the title of “Doctor”. This penalty could be applied to providers even if they do not exhibit evidence of fraud or misrepresentation.

Nursing, and all healthcare providers, strongly support protecting our patients from fraud and misrepresentation. Professional associations have a long history supporting title protection to ensure an educated public. That is why the title “physician” has been protected in Statute. The efforts to restrict the use of an academic title will likely have little impact on fraud in the healthcare sector. Efforts to require all healthcare providers to wear identity badges that clearly display their license and education would empower patients to be better healthcare consumers.
The importance of sharing your opinion on this proposed legislation with your legislator is vital. If you support, or oppose this legislation let you elected official know and make it clear why you hold your position.

You can find your Florida Legislator here: https://www.floridanurse.org/page/FindMyLegislator#/legislators

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