APRN Advocacy Month 2020/21 ends with discussion of Economic impacts

The Florida Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses will end their 2020/21 Advocacy Month with a discussion of the Economic Impact of APRNs in Florida. The discussion will include talking points to attendees for use when reaching out to legislators.

Topic: APRN Advocacy Month Week 5: ECONOMIC IMPACT
Time: Aug 31, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 883 9969 9308
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1 thought on “APRN Advocacy Month 2020/21 ends with discussion of Economic impacts

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for all the discussion on Nurse Practitioners role in improving health care in the state of Florida. Understanding legislation and how to approach legislators is so important in order to get our word across. Kudos to you all!

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