Bills of Interest Filed in Florida Legislature

The 2023 Florida Legislative Session is winding down, and multiple bills that have impact on healthcare delivery in our state have been filed.  Below is a list of bills and their status to date:


CS/SB 230/HB 583: Health Care Practitioner Titles and Designations

Sponsors: Harrell/Massullo

Provides use of specified titles or designations in connection with one’s name constitutes practice of medicine; revises grounds for disciplinary action relating to practitioner’s use of such titles or designations in identifying himself or herself to patients or in advertisements for health care services; requires health care practitioners to prominently display copies of their licenses; requires health care practitioners to also verbally identify themselves in specified manner to new patients.

Senate: Passed and in messages, pending house vote

House: 2 nd reading, pending vote


CS/SB 254: Treatments for Sex Reassignment

Granting courts of this state temporary emergency jurisdiction over a child present in this state if the child has been subjected to or is threatened with being subjected to sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures; providing that, for purposes of warrants to take physical custody of a child in certain child custody enforcement proceedings, serious physical harm to the child includes, but is not limited to, being subjected to sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures; prohibiting certain public entities from expending state funds for the provision of sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures; requiring certain licensed facilities, by a specified date and as a condition of licensure thereafter, to provide a signed attestation of specified information to the Agency for Health Care Administration; prohibiting sex-reassignment prescriptions and procedures for patients younger than 18 years of age, etc.

Senate/House: Passed with amendments


CS/CS/SB 1506: Department of Health

GENERAL BILL by Rules ; Health Policy ; Rodriguez

Limits marketing of marijuana products to children/adolescents. Requires death certificates for individuals being cared for by an autonomous APRN be signed by the APRN AND 2 physicians.

Pending floor vote in House/Senate


SB 274: Nursing Education Pathway for Military Combat Medics

GENERAL BILL by Avila ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Burgess ; Osgood ; Perry

Creates an accelerated educational pathways to a nursing licensure for military combat veterans

Passed in the Senate/Pending final vote in House


CS/SB 558: Certified Nursing Assistants

GENERAL BILL by Health Policy ; Burton

Certified Nursing Assistants; Authorizing nursing home facilities to allow their registered nurses to delegate certain tasks to certified nursing assistants who meet specified criteria

Passed in Senate/Pending vote in House


SB 568: Assault or Battery on Hospital Personnel

GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Hooper ; Torres ; Book

Providing enhanced criminal penalties for persons who knowingly commit assault or battery upon hospital personnel, etc.

Pending Vote in Senate/Passed House


SB 416: Antiretroviral Drugs

Would allow pharmacists to prescribe antiretroviral drugs in certain circumstances

No Action/considered dead


SB 864: Death with Dignity

Assisted suicide in limited circumstances

No action/considered dead


SB 956: Foreign-licensed Physicians

GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez

Providing for provisional licenses by endorsement for certain foreign-licensed physicians;

No action, considered dead


SB 1222: Corporate Practice of Medicine


Providing additional acts that constitute grounds for denial of a license to practice medicine or for disciplinary action, to which penalties apply, etc.

No Action/considered dead


SB 1498: Invalid Restrictive Covenants in Health Care


Specifying that certain restrictive covenants in employment agreements relating to certain licensed physicians

No Action/Considered dead


SB 156: Physical Therapy Licensure Compact


Physical Therapy Licensure Compact; Creating the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact

No Action/Considered dead


SB 1192: Certified Nurse Midwives

GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez

Certified Nurse Midwives; Requiring certain certified nurse midwives, in order to provide out-of-hospital intrapartum care

No Action/Considered Dead


SB 1058: Autonomous Practice by Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez

certain advanced practice registered nurses from specified medical direction requirements for clinical privileges in hospitals; revising requirements for certified nurse midwives registered to engage in autonomous practice

No Action/Considered Dead