CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATOR REGARDING HB 583: Healthcare Practitioner and Abbreviations

The Florida Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses has been notified that HB 583 (Title Bill)  sponsored by Representative Massulo and its companion bill SB230 sponsored by Senator Gayle Harrell, has been set to move through the Senate for a vote next week. This proposed piece of legislation will limit the use of the title of “Doctor” to physicians and deny doctorally prepared nurses from using this title.  This bill is an outright attack on the Advanced Practice Nursing profession and will prevent non-physicians from using the title “Doctor” regardless of their level of education. This harmful and unnecessary piece of legislation assumes that consumers lack the ability to understand different levels of clinical practice and nurses lack the ethical integrity to present themselves consistent with their licensure and certification. The Florida Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses STRONGLY opposes this piece of legislation as it discourages Advanced Practice Nurses from advancing their level of education and training. The legislation also does nothing to protect the public. Florida Statutes already exist that protect the title of “Physician” and “practice of medicine.”  Any healthcare provider, not a licensed physician, who represents themselves as such in either practice or advertising can be prosecuted under existing Florida laws. Current law requires healthcare practitioners to inform patients about their credentials. Violations for misleading or deceptive statements or offering to practice beyond one’s scope of practice, including professional licensure sanctions, suspension, restrictions, and probation. Violators may be subject to administrative fines and be forced to undergo “remedial education.” (Fla. Stat. 456.072 (2006)). The Florida Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses supports increased transparency in healthcare delivery and empowering patients with the ability to make informed healthcare decisions.  Professional Nursing Organizations support ALL healthcare providers disclosing their educational level, certification, and licensure information. HB583 and SB230 take no meaningful action to empower consumers and solely secure the use of the title “Doctor” to a select group of physicians and healthcare providers. It is also essential that legislators understand that in an attempt to improve healthcare delivery, the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties has committed to moving all entry-level Advanced Practice Nursing education programs from the Masters’ Level to the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree by 2025.  This change in the level of education is intended to address the increasingly complex healthcare delivery system.  Barring nurses, and other non-physicians,  from using the title “Doctor” in their communications will result in a disincentive to advance the standard of education for Advanced Practice Nurses and result in increased confusion among healthcare providers and the public. Multiple professional healthcare associations have stood in opposition to this legislation including The American Association of Nurse Practitioners.  You can view their official position statement at: AANP Position Statement below: We need you to contact all of the Senators on the Health Policy Committee and the Representatives on the  Healthcare Regulation Subcommittee and explain why this bill is not suitable for our profession and the public. All of the above highlights should be discussed in your letter or your actual telephone conversation. Encourage them to VOTE NO on this bill. We also encourage you to ask your friends, family and colleagues to share their opinion regarding this legislation. LOUD VOICES IN MASSES CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Call your Senator and Representative now because a phone call could be better than a letter.    






Colleen Burton



Jason Brodeur



Ben Albritton

(850) 487-5027


Bryan Avila

(850) 487-5039


Lauren Book

(850) 487-5035


Doug Broxson

(850) 487-5001


Danny Burgess

(813) 779-7059


Alexis Calatayud

(850) 487-5038


Tracie Davis

(850) 487-5005


Ileana Garcia

(850) 487-5036


Gayle Harrell

(850) 487-5031


Rosalind Osgood

(850) 487-5032