Florida 2023 Legislative End of Session Summary

The Florida 2023 Legislative Session ends on May 5th.  Over the last 7 weeks, multiple bills have advanced, impacting healthcare delivery and health education.  Below is a brief summary of some of the bills from this session and their status.


CS/SB 230/HB 583: Health Care Practitioner Titles and Designations

Sponsors: Harrell/Massullo

Provides use of specified titles or designations in connection with one’s name constitutes practice of medicine; revises grounds for disciplinary action relating to practitioner’s use of such titles or designations in identifying himself or herself to patients or in advertisements for health care services; requires health care practitioners to prominently display copies of their licenses; requires health care practitioners to also verbally identify themselves in specified manner to new patients.

Senate: Passed and in messages, pending house vote

House: 2 nd reading, pending vote

CS/SB 254: Treatments for Sex Reassignment

Granting courts of this state temporary emergency jurisdiction over a child present in this state if the child has been subjected to or is threatened with being subjected to sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures; providing that, for purposes of warrants to take physical custody of a child in certain child custody enforcement proceedings, serious physical harm to the child includes, but is not limited to, being subjected to sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures; prohibiting certain public entities from expending state funds for the provision of sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures; requiring certain licensed facilities, by a specified date and as a condition of licensure thereafter, to provide a signed attestation of specified information to the Agency for Health Care Administration; prohibiting sex-reassignment prescriptions and procedures for patients younger than 18 years of age, etc.

Senate/House: Passed with amendments

CS/CS/SB 1506: Department of Health

GENERAL BILL by Rules ; Health Policy ; Rodriguez

Limits marketing of marijuana products to children/adolescents. Requires death certificates for individuals being cared for by an autonomous APRN be signed by the APRN AND 2 physicians.

Pending floor vote in House/Senate

SB 274: Nursing Education Pathway for Military Combat Medics

GENERAL BILL by Avila ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Burgess ; Osgood ; Perry

Creates an accelerated educational pathways to a nursing licensure for military combat veterans

Passed in the Senate/Pending final vote in House

CS/SB 558: Certified Nursing Assistants

GENERAL BILL by Health Policy ; Burton

Certified Nursing Assistants; Authorizing nursing home facilities to allow their registered nurses to delegate certain tasks to certified nursing assistants who meet specified criteria

Passed in Senate/Pending vote in House

SB 568: Assault or Battery on Hospital Personnel

GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Hooper ; Torres ; Book

Providing enhanced criminal penalties for persons who knowingly commit assault or battery upon hospital personnel, etc.

Pending Vote in Senate/Passed House

SB 416: Antiretroviral Drugs

Would allow pharmacists to prescribe antiretroviral drugs in certain circumstances

No Action/considered dead

SB 864: Death with Dignity

Assisted suicide in limited circumstances

No action/considered dead

SB 956: Foreign-licensed Physicians

GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez

Providing for provisional licenses by endorsement for certain foreign-licensed physicians;

No action, considered dead

SB 1222: Corporate Practice of Medicine


Providing additional acts that constitute grounds for denial of a license to practice medicine or for disciplinary action, to which penalties apply, etc.

No Action/considered dead

SB 1498: Invalid Restrictive Covenants in Health Care


Specifying that certain restrictive covenants in employment agreements relating to certain licensed physicians

No Action/Considered dead

SB 156: Physical Therapy Licensure Compact


Physical Therapy Licensure Compact; Creating the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact

No Action/Considered dead

SB 1192: Certified Nurse Midwives

GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez

Certified Nurse Midwives; Requiring certain certified nurse midwives, in order to provide out-of-hospital intrapartum care

No Action/Considered Dead

SB 1058: Autonomous Practice by Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez

certain advanced practice registered nurses from specified medical direction requirements for clinical privileges in hospitals; revising requirements for certified nurse midwives registered to engage in autonomous practice

No Action/Considered Dead