Together we can make Florida a leader in healthcare delivery again.  We are asking Advanced Practice Nurses from around the state to come to Tallahassee and demonstrate to Florida Legislators that we are one voice that can improve healthcare delivery, healthcare outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

Florida House Bill HB 607: Health Care Practitioners (formally Advanced Practice Registered Nurses) has the potential to significantly change health care delivery in Florida for the better.  HB 607: Health Care Practitioners, sponsored by Dr. Cary Pigman, has been filed in the Florida House of Representatives and has overwhelmingly passed in its first committee hearing.  (It has now been referred to the Health Care Appropriations subcommittee but is not yet scheduled for  hearing.)

HB 607 would allow Advanced Practice Registered Nurses and Physicians assistants to practice to the full extent of their education and training without the supervision of a physician in Florida.  (Note: Physician’s Assistant autonomous practice will be limited to primary care under the legislation.). The bill also details procedures and requirements for autonomous APRN practice in Florida.

The Florida Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses and its member organizations have been working with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing to advance this important legislation.  HB 607 to date has not had a companion bill filed in the Florida Senate, and prospects for passage are unknown at this time.  It therefore becomes vital that our legslators are appropriately educated on the benefits of this legislation and are made aware of the strong support for lifting unnecessary and costly supervisory requirements on APRNs.

The 2020 Florida Legislative Session begins January 14, 2020 in Tallahassee.  The Coalition encourage all APRNs and nurses who are able to attend the opening session of the Florida 2020 Session and be visible.  By demonstrating unity and numbers it is hoped that we can advance this important legislation.  If you are able to attend on January 14, or any days during the session let us know so we can coordinate efforts with you.  You can let us know by completing this form:


Effective strategies to be visible include wearing lab coats and stethoscopes while at the Capital, visiting legislators offices and letting them know you are a nurse who support of HB 607, and coordinating efforts with other APRNs who will be in the Capital.

(Click here to see the legislative calendar for the opening session: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Calendar/2020/Weekly%20Schedules%202019-12-13%20084234.PDF)

If you are unable to attend the opening day of the Legislative Session consider attending a “lobby days” event hosted by one of our member organizations.  (The Florida Nurses Association will be hosting its annual Advocacy Days on January 22 and 23, 2020 in Tallahassee.  See: https://www.floridanurse.org/general/custom.asp?page=AdvocacyDays.  The Florida Association of Nurses Anesthetists will hold their

annual CRNA Day in Tallahassee on January 27 and 28, 2020.  See: https://www.fana.org/upcoming-events).

For more information and to keep up to date subscribe to the Florida Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses alerts at https://aprnadvocacy.com.